Replica Dior Bags 2024 Guide - Classics,New and Hot Selling Styles
Since Dior changed its designer, it has become more and more popular. New models are launched every year, and each model has its own style. Especially the reappearance of the old flower element makes many sisters unable to extricate themselves! Which Replica Dior bags is the most popular? You will definitely think of the classic replica dior bobby, Lady Dior bag and Saddle bag,Replica dior caro bags. What other models are worth buying besides them? Lady Dior is definitely the most classic bag of Dior! The legendary Princess Diana made Replica Lady Dior a classic model that countless celebrities are obsessed with. It is not only favored by the royal family such as the Princess of Monaco, but also sought after by Hollywood actresses, and easily turned it into a symbol of elegant taste. Dior is a fashion icon, symbolizing eternal elegance. Dior's two classic patterns: Oblique series, inspired by Dior's retro design in the 1970s. It is made of jacquard canvas known as Flemish tapestry; Lady Dior's iconic quilted pattern on the bag is called Cannage, which was inspired by the fact that Mr. Dior used Napoleon III's quilted chair to entertain his guests at his fashion show in 1947. It was deeply loved by Mr. Dior and later became the inseparable soul of Lady Dior's bag. The production of Lady Dior implements the spirit of haute couture of ready-to-wear clothing, from the production materials, manual techniques to details such as the 4 metal buckles hanging on the bag handles, which are almost all done by hand. Replica Lady dior Micro: 5.75 x 4.75 x 2.5 inches Replica Lady dior Mini: 6.75 x 6 x 2.75 inches Replica Lady dior Medium: 9 x 8 x 4 inches Replica Lady dior Large: 12.5 x 10 x 4 inches The classic handbag is made of soft lambskin and decorated with the iconic Cannage pattern and round handles, bringing playful charm and wide shoulder straps to modern women. In addition to the leather model, the Lady Dior bag has also launched classic models in patent leather, matte, satin, velvet and other materials in recent seasons, which makes Lady Dior more personalized and gives everyone more choices!
Replica Dior Saddle Bags series limited edition handbags, which girl can refuse a whole vast starry sky! In terms of materials, there are leather, twill canvas, embroidery, etc. The embroidered wide canvas straps sold separately add a fashionable atmosphere, which is retro and versatile. It can be carried by hand or on one shoulder, or you can choose to match it with a shoulder strap. In addition to the classic monogram saddle bag, the leather saddle bag is also very textured, more elegant and more temperament than the monogram. The saddle waist bag is also very fashionable, and the monogram embroidery looks really high-end. . The saddle bag has 2 sizes, the Replia dior Saddle Mini size is 19.5cm x 16cm, and the regular size is 25.5cm x 20cm.
Replica Dior 30 Montaigne design is inspired by the classic address of 30 Avenue Montaigne. The whole bag is in a contemporary retro style with a flap, a unique hand-engraved logo, and a glittering gold "CD" monogram buckle on the front. It is a bag with a strong French style, stylish shape, minimalist outline, and casual sense of leisure, which is more suitable for girls with elegant and simple style. This series is also always a timeless selected investment model, which is timeless and fashionable. Dior 30 Montaigne calfskin/lambskin is available in a variety of colors, from black or white to bold tones (such as stormy blue), twill canvas, embroidered version and other materials. Both versions of the new bag are equipped with an adjustable leather shoulder strap, which can be carried crossbody or by hand. 3 sizes: 25 x 16.5 x 8 cm; 24 x 17 x 8 cm; 17.5 x 11.5 x 5 cm.
Replica Dior Book Tote debuted in the spring and summer of 2018. The square and simple bag is light and practical, with a stiff and simple silhouette, handsome and capable, and paired with the most classic Oblique pattern, it is value-preserving and not easy to go out of style. Although it has only been launched for two years, it has become Dior's "It Bag". For many petite girls, Book Tote may be a little bulky, but as a travel bag, it is really excellent, with high appearance and practicality! Classic CD Monogram pattern and blue blue and white porcelain pattern. Dior Book Tote's theme is constantly renewed every season, and the design of the pattern becomes more and more artistic. The colorful jacquard canvas handbag has colorful colors and geometric patterns, and a certain Bohemian romantic color, adding a leisurely atmosphere to the travel vacation look. The printing process is fully integrated into multiple materials, allowing you to experience the art of every stitch. In addition to hand-held, it has two other ways of carrying, such as putting your arm into the handle to carry it, or carrying it on one shoulder. In 2019, the mini Book Tote was launched, which is small, cute and very practical! Size: Replica Dior Book Tote Mini: 22.5 x 24 x 8cm; Replica Dior Book Tote Medium: 36.5 x 28 x 17.5cm; Replica Dior Book Tote Large: 41.5 x 35 x 18 cm.
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